Akash Sound

Welcome to our official website. DJ Anand has been a sound engineer and a DJ for over 29 years. Here you can browse moments from a few of the many amazing events where he has provided his services. This includes Dj Events, New year's parties, Garbas and live events like Plays and musical nights!

Click To Know More


DJ Anand is known for providing excellent sound quality for events with an average audience of 300 plus members all over GTA.
He has had the pleasure of working with many big names in the industry. Thinking of hosting an event? Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of questions and answers that we feel most people have when they think about getting in touch.
Click on any of the questions you want answered and of course feel free to contact us through the use
of the form listed at the bottom of the website if you have further questions.

Rates vary depending on the size of the hall, the equipment required and the amount of audience expected at the event, feel free to get in touch with us through the various methods provided at the bottom of the page and we can discuss further.

We can assist with minimal lighting requirements however we are not an expert in the field and would prefer you hire someone else. We excel in sound and can guarantee satisfaction when it comes to the quality of provided service. We do not provide any another services at this time.

No time is too soon. We have had events booked a year in advance for big days such as christmas, new years and Nav-ratri. Please get in touch as soon as possible since we tend to go on a first come first serve basis. You can rest-assured that we will not cancel an event if someone calls late offering a higher price.

Most recent event

Below is a snippet from New Year's celebrations held at the end of December 2022. watch the poor quality recording on my cellphone of the celebrations to learn more!

Variety of Events

Whether your event is a musical night, Garba or a small birthday function we are available!
Get in touch with us to book an event today!

Musical Show

Our most frequent events are live musical nights. Above is a picture from one such event where the performance was amazing. Jeetu Patel is an individual who has worked with me enough times that he can count as a testimonial of my services.

Garba 2019

Every year during Navratri we are fully booked 6 months in advance! Please get in touch early if you wish to book and don't forget to ask the performers about our quality!

My daughter's sweet 16

Even if it is a small event, you can still ask about our schedule! If we are free and if you need our sound expertise, we will be more than happy to help! whether there is a 100 people in attendance or 300, whether it is a large hall or a small one we have worked at many venues and know how to set up a successful event!

Get in Touch

Do you have anything you would like to talk to us about? Any comment on what we can do to improve the website? Send us a message and we will try and respond as soon as we can.